Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Feeding the newfound addiction

Today is tuesday, thats my swap meet day. I havn't gone for a week so today I needed to stock up. But I just had cameras on the brain. I scoured each booth carefully looking for 126 film even a used roll just to get that dreaded cartridge.

I found lots of clothes, some new and a few good vintage pieces. I think the find of the day turned out to be what I though on immediate view was likely a Hilo Hattie Dress turned out to be a vintage Disneyland dress. Best I can figure is its either a Tiki Room exclusive sold in adventureland of course or it may have been an employee uniform? Well I did some research and to my dissapointment it isnt vintage, its a reproduction. Check out this blog for t
he story. But still it was limited to 500 and sold in 2006. Im sure It will still fetch a good amount from some collector. Who knew Tiki stuff was so collectable??

So anyway back to the cameras. I ended up finding a Bell and Howell 126 and I thought I might sell it because it would make #3 in my 126 lineup. And then just as I was leaving something told me to go check this one table again and then, there it was! A Sears 2.8 Easi Load with Rikenon lens. Yea no big deal really. Except that inside was a used 126 cassette!! From sears even! I was so excited! I knew I would find one with a little patience. And Im glad because I really didnt want to buy one for 10 on ebay.

But the lady wanted $10. No need to worry I quickly fixed her. I got it for $4 which was still too much (I paid $2 for the Howell) But because I NEEDED that cartridge I paid $4. I also found 5 rolls of Kodak Max film for $2 total at another table so I made out great today! I took only $20 and I came home with $2. :)

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