Monday, March 28, 2011

Hard at work

I spent a lot of time this weekend revamping my etsy shop, taking new pictures and I also decided to open a new shop for just vintage clothing. All of this is no easy task its really more work than one can imagine. Its even more challenging when you have a house with no good spots for photographing and no good light to top it off.

But creative as i am I came up with a solution. The only bare wall in my house which is near the front door became my backdrop. I had these netted curtains from ikea that i bought ages ago and planned to use them on a poster bed that i never did buy. So I put them up on rods on the wall and it provided a soft backdrop for my photos. Heres the before and after:

I still have a lot to list, but I am really happy with how my shop is looking now. And I noticed a big spike in traffic from all the relisting I did last night. And it must have made a difference because I had a sale! I also had one the day before. So far march has been my best month ever on etsy. It shows that I have been working hard to get my shop up to speed and im really excited!

Please take a minute to stop by and see my new shop I've also set up a facebook shop though I dont want to pur too much into that. I will probably just put handbags there that I can recreate easily. Ok well thats it for today!

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