Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My new focus....

Things have been crazy mad for me the past few years. I think I had mid life crisis early which is all together possible considering I had my first kid at barely 19. :) So, I have been working on this business for almost 4 years now and its so slow going, not because of the economy (although its not helping me) but because I just haven't focused as much effort into it as I really could be. So I have resolved that I will from here on out put every ounce of energy I have each day into making this a viable and profitable (and not just for fun anymore) business. I turn 40 next year, and I would like to have a big reason to celebrate because I mean who really wants to celebrate becoming that old? :)

So on my to do list are:
Blog at least 4 times a week. (daily would be great but probably not realistic for me, I know... I've tried!)
Creating a "line" of garments and handbags. I'm already hard at work on my first design. I have a few others that I will continue to use as well. I usually create more one of a kind pieces, but Im just not selling much at shows so I want to see what happens if I have more than one of the same item in a variety of fabrics and colors. Most of the other crafters at shows all do this and thier booths do look really nice. That could be a reason for low sales, or I could try arranging my booth different. Either way I've only done a handful of shows so I'm still learning.

Anyhow that's next on the list. Booth display and arrangement as well as at least one show a month. I already have the next two months shows lined up so Im stoked about that. I've included a pic of my booth from Sundays Indie-Mart.

The last things are the most expensive and things Ive wanted to get forever, and those are a professional logo, labels and hang tags. As well as get my website back live. Im sure theres more, but thats what comes off the top of my head.

1 comment:

Prairie Primitives Folk Art said...

Think about investing in a canopy. They can be expensive ($200 or so), but sometimes you can find them a bit cheaper online. White is the best color because it will make your products look MUCH better than a colored canopy.