Monday, April 16, 2007

Creative Block....UGGGHHHH

So I made this really cute top tonight. Took me longer than I wanted and I had to change the design also. Ok sorry the photo isn't that great, but its 11:30 and my brain is mentally shot. So if you can tell this is a halter style top which I used some really cool vintage fabric that I thrifted a while back. I searched through my patterns for about 20 min and couldn't find any that would work so I improvised. Something that Im still figuring out. I originally planned to make this a one shoulder top with the fabric gathering up at the shoulder and then crossing at the back but I screwed up the cutting and unless I really wanted cleavage showing it wasnt working. So I ended up with this version which isnt to bad either. I am a little dissapointed and of course dont have enough fabric to try again, but I cant totally kick myself, even though this version isnt perfect its still pretty good for a beggining designer. This fabric is realy cool too. It looks shiny, but its actually got some texture to it sort of soft like spongy if that makes sense. Well comments are appreciated as usual.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

"Deconstructed fashion is providing some of the most innovative, sensual and playful looks around. And the growing eco-chic movement is being redefined by designers who love to break the rules. But it also inspires mainstream consumers and fashion-lovers like me to reinterpret our own old clothes."

I absolutely love that quote. I found it in an article written at green living magazine. A lengthy article well worth reading. Scroll to the bottom to find it titled "Fashion Forward" While I am not totally suprised I am thrilled to see that re-designed fashion is becoming mainstream if not slowly but surely. And it raises my hopes that I to can make it to elite designer status someday!

Module 7: Redesign, Restore, or Recycle (Optional)

In a google search for re-designed clothing, the first link at the top of the page led me to the following course outline offered by the Saskatchewan Education department. I guess its a college in Canada from what I could tell. I found it interesting to know that this is finally catching on as popular. (Who knows maybe they teach this in design school?) And they also address the environmental standpoint. Read the full text here.

Suggested time: 5 - 10 hours
Prerequisite: Modules 1 and 2

Level: Introductory

Foundational Objectives

  • To understand, develop, and apply the major concepts related to clothing construction.
  • To provide a broad foundation of clothing design fundamentals and apply the fundamentals to projects to meet individual needs.
  • To increase an awareness of the economic and environment influence on clothing decisions.
  • To explore and practise the fashion design process.

Common Essential Learning Objectives

  • To demonstrate redesigning, restoring, or recycling of clothing or a textile item. (CCT, TL)
  • To redesign and update garments to fit your wardrobe needs. (NUM)
  • To recycle clothing and textile items through repair, customizing, redesign, or surface embellishment. ( NUM, IL)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Recent makings

My latest project and it was the fastest I've finished yet! This was a basic t-shirt which I have had for a while, a long while. Almost a year to be exact. Hey some ideas take time to develop. I got this at last years swap-o-rama-rama So anyhow I cut the shirt right under the armpit and used the bottom to make a mini and the top is now a cool half jacket. I'm thinking the top needs something more but not sure what exaclty. Im happy with the overall result

Monday, April 9, 2007

If you live in the SF Bay you wont want to miss.....

Save the Date * Start Cleaning Out Your Closets * Tell Your Friends

The Spring SWAP-O-RAMA-RAMA is Here!
May 19 (11-5) & 20 (11-4)
The San Mateo Fairgrounds
Tix are as low as $5/$10 and include all of Maker Faire, buy in advance for the best discounts
Tickets in Advance:
Entry requires that you bring any sized bag of unwanted clothing as a donation
Sewing Machines are Supplied by Janome

"There is no beauty in the finest cloth if it makes hunger and unhappiness." Gandhi

Join in the communal process of reuse and celebrate our collective creativity! You’re invited to Swap-O-Rama-Rama, a giant clothing swap and series of do-it-yourself workshops in which a community explores reuse and creativity through the recycling of used clothing. Reduce textile landfill, learn to be a creator instead of a consumer and participate in community.
At this swap expect thousands of pounds of free clothing, sewing stations operated by local designers who are there to teach you how to modify your used clothing, on-site silkscreening, many creative DIY workshops and a recycled fashion show.
And of course the core of the swap is the gigantic piles of free clothing sorted into categories: pants, shirts, skirts, sweaters etc. These piles are the collective total of each guest¢s contribution of one bag of unwanted clothes. Take home as much clothing as you can carry. Remainders go to a local women's shelter.

About Maker Faire:
Organized by the staff of MAKE and CRAFT magazines, Maker Faire is a newfangled fair that brings together science, art, craft, and engineering in a fun, energized, and exciting public forum. The aim is to inspire people of all ages to roll up their sleeves and become Makers. This family-friendly event showcases the amazing work of all kinds of makers--anyone who is embracing DIY and wants to share their accomplishments with an appreciative audience. Last year, we had 20,000 people at Maker Faire.

What to Bring To Swap-O-Rama-Rama
Bring: Clothes in season: jackets, wallets, hats, pants,shirts, skirts, shoes, gloves, belts, accessories, jewelry, sunglasses, bags, costumes, lingere, pjs etc. Only clothes please!
Do Not Bring: books, bikes, vases, lamps etc... If you can’t wear it, don’t bring it!
Quantity is not important. Come with a little or a lot, whatever you got.
Swap-O-Rama-Rama is for boys, girls, men, women.

There's Always More
Staff Open Call: We can use a few more sorters – this big perk here is that you get first dibs on clothes. Send an email to heather cameron to join our crew.
Why We Swap:
Swaps in Other Cities: Please check our city by city swap list for more cities hosting Swap-O-Rama-Rama's.
Get on the List: send a blank email to

What do you put in the first post?

For starters, how about I tell you what this blog is and why you should check it out. its all about recycling and reuse. Mostly for textiles but I do see lots of creative uses out there for most anything discarded. So I plan to bring you information on products, and projects- and the people who make them with reclaimed materials. Also any news and the like associated with the topic.

I am a designer who uses recycled clothing and textiles to create new garments. I either alter them making them more stylish or completely deconstruct and re-construct them into something "new". Through this business my goal is to bring awareness to the effects of consumerism to our economy and more importantly our eco-consiousness. For even more info which is so awesomely put by someone dedicated to the cause read here

Also look for projects and ideas for things you can make yourself and things I am working on currently.